Torn – How to Keep Money Safe

Torn City - How to Keep Money Safe

Knowing how to keep money safe in Torn is important if you don’t want to worry about losing it to muggers. Especially if you like to trade often using the Item Market. While this can be the best way to get the most out of selling your items, you’re definitely a target for muggers.

Fortunately, there are a lot of different tricks you can take advantage of to stash your money. Regardless of whether you’re a new player or an experienced one with tons of money to hide. With that said, there are also some tricks to make yourself less of a target to Torn muggers.

How to Keep Money Safe in Torn

Store Money in a Faction Vault

Torn - Using a Faction Vault

This first tip for keeping your money safe is good for new players but you still need to be careful. If you’re in a reliable faction with people you trust, you can store your money in their vault. However, only certain faction ranks will have access to that money.

Therefore, you’ll most likely need to ask for another member to send you your vault money when you need it. The main reason this is risky is because a faction can scam you out of your money. So be careful if you join a smaller faction that isn’t as settled in Torn.

Store Money at the Cayman Islands

Torn - Storing Cash at the Cayman Islands

Once you reach level 15 you can start traveling to other countries Torn. Aside from buying items like plushies to make money, you can also stash your cash in the Cayman Islands. Which isn’t all that surprising considering it’s not just something people do in the game.

While the Cayman Islands in Torn aren’t the best way to gain interest on your money, you will get some. However, the main risk of traveling there is that some players will try to mug you when you land. Fortunately, you have a 15-second safe window to stash your money before a player can attack.

Stash Money in a Company

Torn - Amusement Park Company Page

I’ve never tried this method since I haven’t owned a Torn company, but you can supposedly store money in the company. This is likely how you pay for inventory to keep your business running. But, it also works as a good way for company directors to stash money.

Just be careful with this strategy since the Software Corporation company has a perk to steal company funds. The 5* perk steals anywhere from 1% to 3% of a company’s funds. So while that isn’t a significant chunk in theory, it can add up.

Hide Your Money in a Property Vault

Torn - Store Money in a Property Vault

Many Torn players recommend renting property since it’s typically cheaper than trying to buy expensive ones. However, if you rent a property that has the vault upgrade, you won’t be able to use it to hide your money. This is one negative about renting that can be annoying and force you to use other stashing methods. Here are the properties that can store cash:

  • Palace
  • Castle
  • Private Island

Invest in the Torn Stock Market

Torn - Invest in the Stock Market

After spending 25 points to unlock the Stock Ticker, you can start investing your money in Torn stocks. This is a mixed strategy since your money will fluctuate similar to a real stock market. Which can work out better for you if you gain money, but can also go the opposite direction too.

With that said, stocks do have dividend rewards if you buy a certain amount of shares for each one. This can be quite expensive for most players depending on which stock you’re buying into though.

Use the Investment Bank in Torn

Torn - Using the Investment Bank

Another way to build interest on your money similar to real life is to stash it in a bank. Unlike the Cayman Islands, you can use the Investment Bank in Torn City to gain a decent chunk of money. However, you won’t be able to access it for as long as you invest it. This can be anywhere from one week to three months.

Try to be careful when your investment ends and taking out large amounts of money. Some players will try to learn when your investment ends and mug you right as you withdraw. Typically I’ll only take a little bit out and then re-invest it as quickly as possible.

Self-Hosp When Selling Items

Torn - Self-Hosp Tip For Selling Items

This strategy doesn’t revolve around hiding your money, but rather preventing muggers from attacking you. Our in-depth guide on self-hosping describes how you can put yourself in the hospital so another player can’t attack you. As usual, we’re talking about the game Torn.

Another trick for preventing yourself from being attacked is flying, but I wouldn’t risk it with a lot of money. Some players will do this while selling stuff on the Item Market. But, there’s a much higher risk of someone mugging you overseas. This is because there’s a public list of who is currently in the country you’re visiting.

Sell Directly to Traders

Torn - Trading Post Forum For Finding Traders
Check the Trading Post forums or Trade chat to try and find traders.

One of the best ways to prevent muggers from attacking you is to sell directly to traders. These are Torn players who spend a lot of their time buying items from people directly. However, they’ll often buy at a slightly reduced rate from what you’d get on the Item Market.

The benefit of this is that trustworthy traders won’t reveal your trade to other players. Whereas, when you sell a bunch of high-value items on the Item Market, anyone can see that happen. So it’s much easier for someone to mug you that way.

While there are some other tricks for how to keep money safe in Torn, these are a lot of good ones to learn. You may not be able to take advantage of all of them, but hopefully some of them help you out. Just make sure to continue training your stats and leveling up. You’ll start to look like less of an easy target and not get hit as often.

Be sure to take a look at some of the other Torn guides we recommend reading below. Especially if you’re a new player still learning how the game works. It can definitely be a complex MMORPG with a lot going on.

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