Torn – How to Revive

Torn - How to Revive Players

Staying alive in Torn is important if you want to do anything unless you’re deliberately trying to self-hosp. This is why it’s important to know how to revive. Regardless of whether you’re trying to revive other players or trying to get one from someone instead.

There’s almost nothing worse than getting hospitalized when you’re traveling overseas. This can make a quick flight back and forth suddenly turn into several hours longer. However, there are a couple of tricks to still take advantage of mentioned in this guide. This is why certain factions are completely dedicated to reviving.

Quick Disclaimer: The information in this guide is based on what I’ve been able to gather in the community. I don’t personally have revives unlocked quite yet.

How to Revive in Torn

Unlocking the Revive Skill to Help Other Players

Torn - Medical Job to Unlock Revives
Joining the Medical profession is important if you want to unlock the revive ability.

If you’re wondering how to revive other players, this section is for you. Getting this skill can be a pain since it’s a bit of a grind, despite not needing to reach a high level. Instead, you’ll need to grind your work stats to reach the highest position in the Medical profession. If you need the test answers to get started, check the section further down, “NPC Medical Job Question Answers”

Similar to other NPC jobs that have unique passive benefits from reaching the top job, the Medical profession has reviving. Unlike the Army position of General which provides stat spying for job points, you won’t need to stay as a General. Once you unlock the top Medical position of Brain Surgeon, you no longer need to stay in that role.

Torn - Joining a Company For Training
Visit the newspaper for every company type that exists in Torn if you’re looking for an opportunity. Otherwise, check the Company Recruitment forum for people that train players.

With that said, the Brain Surgeon role requires reaching the following work stats below. While you can work through the Medical jobs starting at the bottom, this is definitely the slower method in Torn. The two popular routes are paying for training in a player company or using the Education Professor perk. For every 10 job points, you can get 100 intelligence.

  • Manual: 2,600
  • Intelligence: 10,000
  • Endurance: 4,000
Torn - Medical Faction Fortitude Upgrade Benefits
This is one example of a faction committed to reviving other players so you can take advantage of those Fortitude branch upgrades. The Faction Recruitment forum has plenty to join.

Once you’ve unlocked the reviving ability, here’s what you need to know to use it. By default, reviving a player in Torn can be expensive since it costs 75 energy. This is why revive factions exist in Torn since there are certain upgrades you can benefit from. Even though there are some tricks for increasing your energy as well.

The Fortitude faction branch of upgrades can reduce that 75 energy cost down to 25. And if you want to take it even further, you can use the Love Juice item on Valentine’s Day to reduce it by another 10 energy. Between both benefits, you can revive more players and potentially earn more money.

Torn - Fortitude Branch Revive Upgrade
Here’s an example of the Fortitude upgrades you can get from a revive faction such as Torn Medical in the previous screenshot.

The act of actually reviving a player can be done by visiting their profile page or finding them in the hospital. You’ll have a button giving you an opportunity to revive them. However, the success of your attempt is based on a couple of factors. Such as your revive skill and how many times the player has been revived within 24 hours.

Also, a higher revive skill will bring the player back with more health. For example, if you have a revive skill of 20, you’ll bring the player back with 20% health. It’s a 1-to-1 ratio based on your skill level. In many cases, players are simply happy to get back to what they’re doing without having to use any medical cooldown.

NPC Medical Job Question Answers in Torn

Question Answer
A patient has an embedded object in their arm and it has penetrated an artery. How would you treat it? Apply a dressing around the object and get them to a hospital.
How much blood is in the average adult? 5 liters
Tachycardia refers to what? An accelerated heart rate
What is the femur? Thigh bone
Someone has dropped, clutching their throat choking… what should you do? Perform the Heimlich Maneuver.
How many bones does an adult human have? 206
DRE is an examination where a well lubricated finger is placed where? Rectum
What is the normal core body temperature? 37.0 degrees Celsius
What does the term ‘Soldiers disease’ stand for? Morphine addiction

Why Can’t I Revive Someone?

Torn - Hospital Revives Set to Nobody
If a player has their revives set to Nobody on the hospital page or in their player settings, this will prevent you from helping them.

There aren’t too many reasons you won’t be able to revive a player in Torn, but there are a couple of simple ones. First, it’s entirely possible that a player has their revives turned off. As explained in our guide on self-hosping, players can turn it off completely or make it exclusive to friends and faction members. This is often during faction wars or to avoid buy muggers.

The second potential reason is that you don’t have enough energy. Make sure you have the necessary amount based on your circumstances. Whether this is the default 75 energy requirement or much lower based on your faction upgrades. It’s worth making sure your faction didn’t change their upgrades and that’s why you can’t revive.

How to Get a Revive in Torn

If you’re trying to get a revive because you’re stuck in the hospital, your best bet is to ask in Hospital or Trade chat. Otherwise, you can try reaching out directly to a player or faction that revives in Torn. In either case, you’ll likely need to pay for it by trading one Xanax or $1m, even though it can vary.

Chances are still likely that you can get a free revive if you’re in Torn City; as long as you don’t mind waiting a little bit. But, if you’re abroad traveling and get put into a hospital, you’ll likely need to buy one to get out. This is because you can’t take advantage of your own medical items to med out. However, a player that can revive may not be available.

Torn - Logistics Management Company Perks
Here’s one example of a Logistics Management company run by players in Torn.

The other backup solution if you find yourself stuck abroad is a perk in the Logistics Management company. As long as the company is at five stars or higher, employees can return to Torn City while in the hospital. Otherwise, if you’re just trying to med out of a hospital in Torn City, you can use medical items.

Examples include First Aid Kits, Blood Bags, and Morphine. As long as your medical cooldown isn’t maxed out, you can use these to reduce your stay. If you’re in a faction that allows it, you can also utilize their armory for medical items too.

Torn - How to Revive Using Medical Items
Blood Bags are one of the more efficient medical items in Torn to use.

That’s all there is to this long in-depth guide on How to Revive in the online game Torn. This ability can lead to decent money if you’re active and work with factions that reduce energy costs. Especially if you set up contracts for factions going to war.

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